Chasing Utopia
I am reading a pretty fascinating book. 10 Books That Screwed Up the World and 5 others That Didn't Help by Benjamin Wiker takes Professor Wikers own list of the world's (or, at least, Western Culture's) 10 worst books and summarizes them to show their detrimental effect on society. A common thread of the offending books is that they present a vision of utopia and, in more or less detail, a plan for how to bring about this utopian vision. Even casual students of modern history will recognize the names Hitler and Lenin who both make the list. Professor Wiker presents an interesting case for how these universally reviled figures, among others, stand in the flow of a philosophy developed by others rather than as unique, evil figures who somehow made themselves. The thing that struck me today, however, was how we relatively mild-mannered contemporary westerners tend toward the same method for bringing about our own happiness. The common element of the method...